Apple has unveiled Apple Watch Series 7. It’s got a bigger screen, and that’s about it. Apple didn’t talk much about new health features coming to the watch in the next two years, which is their usual pattern with Apple Watch updates.
Apple has announced it’s Apple Watch will be getting bigger – Apple made the new Apple Watch 7 out of metal, ceramic, and sapphire crystal.
The Apple company has decided to make its Apple Watch Series 7 in a broader size – 41mm and 45mm sizes. The Apple watch Series 7 comes with a larger display- it is 20% larger than the Series 6 Apple watches, and 50% larger than Apple’s entry-level Series 3. Apple has big plans for their updated watch: new features include a full QWERTY keyboard.
The Apple Watch 7 is 70% brighter than the Apple Watch 6, Apple has stated to make it better for you when you are in low light. Apple has also made the new Apple Watch crack, water and dust resistance, which Apple says is to make it better for people who are active or who work outdoors. Apple has also increased the performance of Apple Watch Series 7 by making it 33% faster than the Series 6.
There is no official release date for the watch besides “later this fall,” but the Series 7 will be priced at $399, compared to the Series 3 and Watch SE at $199 and $279, respectively.
Apple’s New Apple Watch Series 7 is a BIGGER watch. Apple did this for a good reason: marketing a new Apple Watch Series 7. The company adds a few new functions to keep it fresh, but Apple fans might be disappointed with the lack of new health-related features. The price of the Apple Watch Series 7 is $399, compared to the Apple Watches Series 3 and Apple Watch SE at $199 and $279 respectively.
If you were excited by this announcement but want more details, stay tuned for our review of Apple Watch Series 7 soon!